Team UpTown
Special Thanks to Andrew Wevers photography

Cooper & Kai Ann
Meet our Ambassadogs Cooper, & his Intern, Kai Ann.
Cooper is a super chill, solid dog. Try not to trip on him.
Kai Ann is a friendly, spicy little number who learns fast.
Please, don't feed the animals.

Sniff Supervisor: Shadow Guilbeau
You smell that? I do. And it smells like awesome rock climbing around here.
I work Saturdays, sniffing out the best climbs around. Come see me!
Some of The Faces of UpTown

Tied Up in the Office
Chief Dad-Joke Officer, COO(per dad), Owner type person
Robb is a serious(ly ridiculous) person. "You can blame a lot of puns on me." A Baton Rouge native and CHS grad, he has a degree in geology - so there was clearly an early attachment to rocks. After getting his MBA from LSU, Robb left Baton Rouge and did the corporate thing for 17 years, living on both coasts.
He has had the pleasure of climbing in fantastic places like The Gunks, Yosemite, and Joshua Tree. In his younger days he did adventure races, 24-hour mountain bike races, Urbanathlons, Ragnars , a Goruck Challenge, and Mt. Whitney twice. "I like pushing people to do more than they thought they could."
But that was then. Now he's old, out of shape, and sleeps with a heating pad.
Blue Steel Glancer, Head Up Setter, Beach Body Designer, Owner-type person
Lee is a Baton Rouge native and graduate of Catholic High. He started climbing as an LSU undergrad where he turned his Kinesiology internship into an experience, hiking and climbing around Northern Wyoming with the National Outdoor Leadership School. Lee is passionate about several aspects of climbing, from the physical strength and flexibility opportunities it presents, to the mental focus it demands. He has worked as a fitness and movement consultant with several Baton Rouge and New Orleans area organizations over the past decade and has kept creative and conscious movement a priority.
Lee expresses this passion for movement through climbing, yoga, acro-yoga, and fitness - and instructing and sharing these disciplines with others adds another level of enjoyment for Lee. He is a dedicated father, husband, son, teacher, and student. “Being drawn to travel to climb helps me appreciate being home even more.”
“Earmuffs!” Enforcer, Cat Herder, Youth Programs Manager
Born and braised here in Baton Rouge, Josh’s feet are pretty much stuck in the mud. He inherited his love of climbing from his dad, you know, who’s been around the block. They (his dad) built a home wall in the back yard and Josh lived out there for a bit. When his parents finally let him come back inside, he went to LSU and got a degree in General Education and Special Education. From there he began teaching K-5 reading and math as a SPED teacher.
Meanwhile, he and his dad and his sister and his brother-in-law were all climbing at UpTown. So when push came to crimp, Josh decided to teach kids to read routes instead of books. Because who needs books? And kids still get grades, just higher grades like 5.11a+.
In addition to going vertical he horizontals too, with things like running and golf. And when not directional, Josh does woodworking, stained glass, crochets, and next-level competitive yard games. Who is this guy?
Exuder of Happiness, Voice Heard across the Gym, Membership Development Director
Mitzi was born and raised Up in Baton Rouge but left to earn her bachelor’s degree in Education and Adventure Programming at the University of Arkansas. Even today she still hogs the conversation. She then worked with Outward Bound leading extended wilderness expeditions in Florida and South Carolina. She’s actually seen Florida Man. After six years of refining her hard skills, she was beckoned back to BR by (that’s alliteration) Louisiana cooking and family.
Mitzi crafted some high heels for her Chacos and served as Membership Director at the City Club of Baton Rouge where she flexed her soft skills and learned about those newfangled computer type thingys. When UpTown came up, she crimped at the opportunity to marry her love for hard and soft skills.
If you see her around the gym, say hello, but only after blocking an hour in your schedule for “quick” chat.